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Rashtram – A Mission

Building on the intellectual capital of India is something that the country speaks a lot about today. The Nation building sentiment and the inclusion of civil society in administrative and beucocratic process has led to a whole host of careers cropping up in academia, think tanks, consultation and research for governments and admin, policy analysis and recommendations among others. To bolster the ranks of rational thinkers, thought leaders and doers, the Vision India Foundation has been working incessantly on getting the next generation of the country ready to take on larger responsibilities.

Mr Sanjeev Sirnoorkar was the resource person for the day impressing the audience upon the Vision India Foundation’s mission to accomplish this. Through Rashtram School of Public Leadership, as said my Mr Sirnoorkar, the foundation aims to populate the public institutions of the country with a critical mass of committed and competent individuals who are competent to bring about a coherence between the multiple realms of Nation Building. The session was mostly kept as an open forum for discussion where the audience interaction was welcomed. The eligibility of potential candidates, the avenues in which they would be absorbed into post their graduation, the academic and social merit of pursuing such a program, the fee structure, the program structure and activities in the course were discussed. Broadly classified into Academic, Political and Community Leadership, the program outcomes are to cover a wide array of critical thoughts and actions.

The idea of Vidya being free and accessible to all those who seek it is an essential part of India’s history and culture. Not wanting to reject that idea and deny any knowledge seeker the opportunity, the program is to minimize the cost to cover only the absolute necessities, the Foundation is inviting applications that is to open up soon.

More information about the program and its intent, program structure and other details can be found at rashtram.org

Written by Navaneeth Ganesh